Geo-Target Marketing

Geo-target marketing is technology based entirely on location. Our team can set up a geo-targeting marketing strategy so that your ads are displayed to potential customers visiting, currently at, or previously been to a certain location. Our geo-target marketing offers your business the chance to STAND OUT from the crowd during an event or in a specific location.

“If a visitor is using their phone at an event or near your targeted location; your ad featuring your business information, services or products will be shown directly to them”.


At trade shows, some events, and certain locations, the Media Booth® team can show your ads to Facebook users, including your products or services, along with a link to your website.​


Google GEO based ads use the latest in geo-target marketing tech. Our team will have your ads shown to all within the vicinity of a location;   100% exposure to a qualified crowd​.

Facebook & Google

Facebook & Google working together to show your brand, products, or services to visitors that are on the same platforms in a certain location, is the perfect way to stand out from the crowd.​

Introduce your brand, products & services

Our GEO Targeted Marketing utilises ​Facebook & Google to show your business and brand to visitors at a certain location or event.  Your ad will include your business name, images or video, and a link your webpage or landing page (to maximise conversions).  You'll be provided with a unique URL for visitors to see your highlighted location.

paid advertising geo target marketing


Contact the experts at Media Booth® - The Ultimate Digital Agency. 

paid advertising geo target marketing

Get noticed by the right people, with the right message.

While GEO targeted marketing is excellent at getting in front of customers during an event or trade show, it has other benefits for your business. With GEO targeted marketing you can advertise your business and customise your advertisements based on location. You can set up geo-targeting to reach a local audience that can result in a higher conversion rate for your business.


Contact the experts at Media Booth® - The Ultimate Digital Agency.