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If your making use of Pipedrive’s amazing api you may find the need to have certain reference points like user I.d, deal I.d, contact I.d, organisation i.d and more. This is also a common requirement when using third party integrations like Elementor Pipedrive Form Integration

There are several ways to find these but here I’ll explain a fast little work around to find them.

How to find Pipedrive User I.D

User I.d – this is the I.d of the user you would like to maybe allocate a deal to via third party software or api call. To find this just head to any pipeline in pipedrive, then on the right hand side drop down the menu that shows user and filters, select the name of the user that you need the I.d of. Once this has loaded head to the url bar and look at the numeric numbers at the end of the url string, this is your user I.d.

How to find Pipedrive user i.d, contact i.d, organisation i.d, deal i.d and more

Next head to your browser url bar, this should look something like yourcompanyname.pipedrive.com/ in that url string you will notice it says https://yourcompanyname.pipedrive.com/pipeline1/user/####### (# being the user i.d it should be a string of numbers only.

How to find Pipedrive user i.d, contact i.d, organisation i.d, deal i.d and more

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